CEO of Uber Japan, Masami Takahashi

Companies that want to succeed in today's marketplace need to first and foremost understand the importance of intellectual property especially as more and more of a new business's value proposition is built into the technology and software side. Uber is an excellent example of a disruptor driven by intellectual property and software. As CEO of Uber Japan, Mr. Takahashi explained that Uber is really a technology company. Uber doesn't own any taxis. They provide the techonology to connect customers with a service provider in a way that is extraordinarily innovative. I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Takahashi at the Tokyo American Club where he was a panelist for an ACCJ event titled "The Sharing Economy".

成功したい企業は、知的財産の重要性を理解しています。新しいビジネスの価値提案は、技術的知的財産とソフトウェアです。Uberは知的財産とソフトウェアで動かされる業界のデイスラプトです。高橋(CEO)として、Uberは本当にテクノロジー企業であると説明しました。Uberはタクシーやバンを所有しておらず。革新的でサービスプロバイダーと顧客を繋げるテクノロジーを提供します。東京アメリカンクラブにUberの高橋さんと話しました。高橋さんはACCJイベントのパネリストでした "共有経済", or "The Sharing Economy".


WannaCry was just the tip of the iceberg...


Intellectual Property & Open Source Software