The future of AI and intellectual property

今日は内閣府知的財産戦略推進事務局に知的財産と新技術や米国特許法の改正案について講演する予定でおりました。 局長井内摂男さん、参事官補佐大手英明さん、参事官補佐小野寺修さん、産業競争力強化担当福田聡さん、参事官補佐高橋佳子さんが出席されてました。5月に内閣府知的財産戦略推進事務局は知的財産推進計画を発刊しました。

Today I gave a presentation at the Cabinet Office of the Secretary-General of Intellectual Property Strategy on current patent reform legislation in the US and the general state of IP in Europe and Asia. The office just published a strategy for the advancement of intellectual property last month. You can download it here: Attendees of today's meeting from (from left to right): Satoshi Fukuda, Counselor for Industrial Competitiveness, Setuo Iuchi, Secretary-General of IP Strategy Head Quarters, Hideaki Ohte, Deputy Counselor, Yoshiko Takahashi, Deputy Counselor.


Intellectual Property & Open Source Software


Cyberdyne Cybernetics is where IP and AI meet